Step 1:  You and a partner will browse the following websites and complete the note-taking guide .  One of you need to be the recorder and the other is the navigator. 
All About Circles
Circumference of a Circle - Please complete the practice activity at the end of the lesson.
Area of a Circle  - Please complete the practice activity at the end of the lesson. 
What is a Rectangular Prism?
Surface Area of a Rectangular Prism - Please complete the practice activity at the end of the lesson.
Volume of a Rectangular Prism - Please complete the practice activity at the end of the lesson.
What is a Triangular Prism?
Volume of a Triangular Prism - Please complete the practice activity at the end of the lesson.
What is a Cylinder?
Surface Area of a Cylinder - Please complete the practice activity at the end of the lesson. 
Volume of a Cylinder - Please complete the practice activity at the end of the lesson. 

Step 2:  You and a partner will design a poster including the following:   
1.  A drawing of a circle showing the radius, diameter, circumference and the formulas needed to find the circumference and the area. 
2.  A drawing of a rectangular prism and a cylinder and the formulas needed to find the surface area and volume.
3.  A drawing of a triangular prism and the formula needed to find the volume. 

Step 3:  Centers Activity - You and a partner will visit centers in the room and find the circumference and area of round objects, as well as the surface area and volume of other 3-D figures. 
Step 4:  3-D Mobile - Independently you will construct the following foldables and find the surface areas and volume of each:  rectangular prism, triangular prism, and cylinder